For my lady friends out there. I just want to know if I'm alone on this one. I had the 'appointment' with 'THE doctor' today, and as I'm getting ready I shower, take the time to shave my legs and dress in anything other than workout clothes to look nice, I wondered, why am I doing this?
My doctor is not a male and I don't really see them that often to consider her a friend so my question is, why do we do this? Is it out of courtesy that we shave our legs so they don't think you're a slob? Do we take showers before hand in the event something goes wrong 'down there'? Are we afraid to be judged by the contents of our insides?
I'm not sure but I do know that we are always afraid of others judging us. Betty Sue and Joe Shmoe don't pay my bills so how I look, or what I drive is none of their business. If my hooptie makes them feel better about their $500 Lexus payment then by all means stare!
I can go on to say the reason why I dressed nice for my doctor's appointment was because I had a lot of errands to run afterwards but I really didn't have anything else to do afterwards. I would have loved nothing more than to go in the office with my usual attire, but some social norm didn't allow me to. On any given day I walk out of my house in workout pants and a sweatshirt and I'm good to run all errands. Heck, I even think the workout gear gives me a bit of an advantage as I zoom past the old lady at the commissary, dri-fit pants, hoodie, and light weight running shoes! But like I said, the fear of being judged by my doctor or anyone in the waiting area, well scared me a little.
But there is something about appointments that we as women, just don't take lightly. Unless its a workout meet up, where you know everyone will be at their most natural. When you schedule a coffee date with a friend, you're like, 'which top, what shoes, what jeans'? It doesn't matter what you wear! Your friends like you for your company, your humor, your brains, not by what new shoes you're wearing, although they may be a great topic of conversation at some point.
My point is that we as women, moms, friends, are too hard on ourselves over everything! We are too afraid to be judged and while at home we are ok with not having it together. We have to feel the same way when we walk out of our door. I'm not saying, don't take any time to look pretty when you leave your house, but if by chance you dont have the time or just don't feel like it, then DONT! It's ok not to have to impress every Betty Sue you bump into at Target. As a woman its important to take care of you and sometimes it comes in the form of putting on your most comfortable clothes going out to run errands and saying, 'here I am world, take me the way I am or look the other way!'. It's empowering trust me! Create- a better, care free, YOU!
Creatively yours,
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