Friday, January 7, 2011

A small victory!

I do not like doing things alone. In my opinion, all aspects of life should be a social event. There are a few exceptions though, like going grocery shopping and using the bathroom. But ofcourse as a Mom, doesn't it always seem like when you're finding those 5 minutes of peace in the bathroom, the world is going to collapse if you don't come out and find the 'thingamagig' that was on top of the 'whatsitcalled'?

Well today ladies and gents, I have a small victory to share with you. Exercise is my small victory that will hopefully lead to an amazing win at the Battle of the Bulge! Exercise is my 5 minutes of sanity, whether it lasts 5 minutes or an hour. Although I much rather do it with a group of girlfriends like my Swagger Moms or the ladies at Stroller Strength, at times I have to do it alone and that take serious effort.

One of my create goals for the year is to challenge myself in health and fitness. Challenge to me means, that even if I can't get out and meet up with some friends for a run, I will hold myself accountable to do some form of exercise. This is where my friends at Comcast come in, and really they are nobody's friend. They have Exercise TV on DEMAND! Wooohoo. My girl Jackie Warner is on there and she's all that and a bag of baby carrots! Check her out at!

Two days ago I got started with my personal trainer, Jackie Warner on TV with her total body workout. Talk about a but kicking! It was hard while I was getting through it, and even after I was done my butt kept flexing by itself! How's that for a mental picture!? When I woke up the next day my body was sore in places I never knew I had! It was great! So, I took a day off yesterday and today I was back on it. I decided to do a 20 minute upper body workout with Jackie.

So if you're wondering where's my small victory for the day is, here it is! I workedout for 20 minutes today while my baby took a nap! Yes, I did something for ME! It feels so good not to have to think about planning my workouts that I just follow along and before I know it, I'm done! I wish I could have gone for longer but my baby's 20 minute nap doesn't allow for much. Here's a bonus victory, for lunch, a mixed greens salad with chicken, red onions, tomatoes and balsamic ving dressing.

Oh yea! Who's on a roll today? This girl! Go me! I'll toot my horn, you know why? Because, I'm daring and challenging myself to create a better me, for me and my family!

In fitness & in health,


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