In Matthew 6:1-18, it talks about things that we do not need to make public to others because God already knows.
- When you give to the needy, do so in 'secret' the Bible says. I'm paraphrasing here, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing. Then your Father who sees what you are doing in secret will reward you.
- When you pray, don't just pray at church or any public place, pray in private where only you are there. God will reward you because you are doing it in secret.
- When you fast, don't look depressed as if to let everyone know you're fasting. Clean your face and perk up, God knows your fasting and he will reward you.
As Christians it is in our nature to do things because they are right and it is how God wants them. We do not do things for any sort of public pat on the back.
As if the word of God is not powerful enough, here comes the double wammy! I mentioned I was sharing my devotional time with my 6 year old; who mind you 2 days ago prayed in private without me knowing ( even though I saw him). As I'm reading this part about prayer he says, "Mami I did that! When I was having a bad day at school, I went in my room and I prayed!" When we talked about giving to the needy, he says, "Mami I did that too! At Christmas when I gave at Walmart (the Salvation Army bucket)!" He goes on to say, "Mami I have like 2 stars with God, I need like 10 more!" I said, "honey I'm pretty sure you have more than 2 stars with God." How amazing!!! My child is inspiring me to be a better child of God myself. Amen!
How many stars do you have with God?
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