Today, I quit, I resigned, I went on strike! Yup I did. I refused to make dinner! I stood my ground!
Thus, we decided to go out to eat, because you know, pizza and chinese just didn't sound appetizing. Either way, I thought I was going to have a day off from cooking and daily chores. But going out to dinner with your kids is like trying to forget your problems with alcohol. The means only delay the inevitable. That should give you a hint as to how our evening went. The baby cried the entire time. We tried toys, milk, holding, feeding him dinner, even youtubing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the iphone and NOTHING! I scarfed down my dinner, don't ask me how it tasted because I wouldn't even know. I will tell you this, thank the bartender for buy one get one get one Jack & cokes!
Finally the children are showered and the baby is sleeping. One down, one to go!
For those of you interested in my job status. I went for the 2nd part of my interview, you can say and I totally kicked butt! Once I get word from my babysitter I can start as soon as next week, and pretty much be on a commission basis but from the looks of today, this is really a no brainer! You get what you put into it.
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